Christian Education
During the school year, Christian education takes place at 8:45 on Sunday mornings in the Church Hall. Students meet their parents before communion at the 9:00 service.
Godly Play
(toddler- grade 5)
Godly play is a Montessori-inspired program designed to teach children the art of religious language, parables, sacred stories, silence and liturgy in a community of their peers. In this program, children enter a sacred space, listen and respond to sacred stories under the care of trained leaders and share a communal feast following each class. It is designed to give children an opportunity to experience and discuss their own unique relationships with God.
Journey to Adulthood
(grades 6-12)
This is a program of spiritual formation for young people based on two key concepts: (1) life is a gift from God and (2) adulthood must be earned. The in-depth exploration of self, spirituality and society provides a foundation upon which the young adult can build upon for a lifetime. Trained and committed adult members of the worshiping community lead this program.